Freedom From Addiction Starts Here

    Providing a stabilization period before re-entering the world

    The purpose of a stabilization period  is to offer the clients the resources they will need to proceed to step down from an intensive level of care and move into the sober living residences in which our staff will assist with support and guidance.

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    803 Recovery

    Maximizing Independence through Wellness in Recovery

    This phase of the client’s stay with us is for the purpose of providing a stabilization period before such a client is ready to transfer to the real world. The purpose is to offer the clients the resources they will need to proceed to step down from an intensive level of care and move into the sober living residences in which our staff will assist with support and guidance. During this period of recovery the clients will be required to gain employment, follow curfew times, attend 12 step meetings and submit to random urine screens. Live in managers will assist clients while they are in transitional living to offer whatever assistance may be required. The ultimate goal is for clients to then move forward in less structured sober living and ultimately in independent living.

    Some of the services offered in transitional living are assistance in money management, budget planning, and knowledge of available financial resources, use of local transportation resources, accessing local community resources, assisting in accessing medical and dental care, mental health services, legal resources, and emergency assistance, career planning and enrolling in higher education or a vocational/technical training program, resume building, interviewing, and job searching. In addition there is assistance with cleaning, shopping, cooking, time management and increasing coping skills for living a sober lifestyle.

    A house manager lives on the premises and is available to offer support and direction. The house manager is a person in recovery who is compassionate, knowledgeable about addiction and recovery, and supervision is offered with individualized support. As a part of your supportive team, the staff at 803 Recovery will communicate with the treatment team of your IOP to assist you in finding outside resources that may be helpful to keep your physical and mental health stable and attain enlightenment. We encourage you to let us know how you are feeling or if you are having cravings, let us know! If you have any questions related to your care, let us know.